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Dealing with Burnout, New Social Media Accounts, You Have Until Midnight, & Books I Did Not Like


Welcome back everyone to my new blog entry. It has been a while. Thanksgiving came and went, and October is still over. For those who are new to my blog, I mainly write about my writing progress, books that I have read, writing subjects, and my hobbies. I post my thoughts and opinions about movies and books and share some of the books that I have read and written. I have written five books and am working on a sixth book. I am a new self-published author who is still learning the ropes. My goal is to publish as many books as possible that I can before I die, and hopefully get rich from them. I am multi-genre so I do not write in one specific genre because I can’t. It’s hard to explain probably because I like to read so many different kinds of books. I have a lot of books at my house that I can create my library. The problem is that I have no space.

I am also a doll collector, crafter, and enthusiast. My older blog post has several pictures of my hobbies; I sometimes write about them. It’s a passion of mine. The only thing is that I don’t have a lot of space, so crafting is non-existent now, but I sometimes make small crafts for my dolls. I also like horror movies and watch them a lot because it's fun. Now let me write about what I have been doing.


Dealing With Burn Out

So lately, I have NOT been writing consistently like I should. I guess that is normal right? For writers to be taking breaks. Sometimes, my brain and imagination can be working on overdrive. I’ve been physically tired from lack of sleep. I do get sleep, but not eight hours or more. My son is special needs, so he gives me a run for my money on sleep. (only those with special needs children can understand where I’m coming from) On top of that, I haven’t been feeling motivated to work on my drama book. The good news is that I started back writing a week before Thanksgiving. This drama book is not black urban drama although it does have some ratchetness in the book. Yup, ratchet drama books are good that is my next step, but I need to do this book first then I need to work on part three of my Them Against Us series. I guess I need to figure out a way to deal with this burnout. I may work on a chapter here and there. I had done thirteen chapters and now I’m on fourteen and I feel like a car that has run out of gas. So, I have been reading more than writing. I am spiritually going through some internal things. I had finally stepped out of a worldly box and now I see things for what they are. That is a whole other subject though. Let me break down what I am doing now.


WIP Drama Book & Rodger Atchison

My new drama book is about parents fighting over a child and they are experiencing some crazy stuff. The story will take place in my home state Missouri. It was an idea that I came up with and I wanted to make it into a story. This is the book that got me in a whomp whomp whomp phase. I think it’s because I had to rewrite the chapters over again. I had done forty chapters and realized that it was beyond messed up and so now I am re-writing it again. I also think this story will not be that long at all. like for sure over 200 pages. My last horror book was over 340 and my other book was almost 300 pages. My Them Against Us is over 600 pages and I’m never doing that again. Lol.

Then you have my third book of the “Them Against Us” series. This book is about Rodger, and he is by himself in this horror book. He and Dontay are in the first book. You have to read the first book even though it is long, I promise it is an easy read and you will get through the pages fast. Rodger will be 13 years old in this new book the same age as Mason Mc. Faulkner. The second book, “Evenings and Night Openings Available” is about Grayson and Mia and they are in the first book too. Yes, these books are connected, and you have to read them in order. This book is about vampire children at a childcare center and yes it is scary. You have to read it, but it is part two. You can read part two, yet you still have to read Them Against Us to know who the other children are. Now the final thing to understand is that my horror books are NOT FOR CHILDREN. It is not a Goosebumps-style book. It is very much an adult book it just has children as the MAIN characters.

So, this is another book from The Fostered & The Damned Series that I am working on so yeah, I am working on two books again. Rodger ends up in another state and gets put in a group home. This book has spirits in it, a werewolf, and more and it has a lot to do with the pair of shoes that he ends up with. I enjoy working on this book and I wrote a lot of chapters on this one as well.



This is just an example of how the ladies would actually look in the story. Check out Tulie- Bea, kadina, and Susan this is just an idea of how the main characters would look.

Have you tried my new horror book? This book is a stand-alone and it has been out since October. You can read it on the Kindle or buy the paperback. If you have purchased the Kindle Unlimited, then you can read it for free if you have a Kindle just download it. This horror book takes place in Indiana, and it is an urban horror about three women in the city of Vaunwestler. The main character, Tulie-Bea is doing most of the talking as she talks about her life as an accountant and a small town called ROCKSTON. This is where the horror starts as Tulie-Bea deals with her nightmares. If you have not read this book, then you are missing out on a great story. “You Have Until Midnight” is mainly about debt, greed, and small-town secrets that can only be contained for so long. This book has a group of black people in a small town Rockston, Indiana who cannot even open their doors after midnight. Why? You won’t know unless you read the book.


Reddit & TiK ToK

I am now on Reddit and TIK TOK, and I am new up there. I like it so far I can discuss some topics that I like mainly my books and doll collecting. I am still learning how to do videos and I am mainly just going to be talking about my books and things. I don’t have a lot of followers at all. The same with Reddit. I still have to post my new book on Goodreads too. I am looking for some ideas to post myself more on video. My goal is to make it grow and just continue to promote myself.


Books I didn't Like

I have been ghosting book club because the books are just lame to me. I know I tried to get into some books but these last few books I just said, nope. This new book that I am reading is also lame, but I am interested so far which means I can read it to the end. I like going to book club, but the library has been doing bad at selecting books to read. I don't like books that I cannot get into. I know that people will be like that with my books too. Some are just too much of a drag to me.

Weather- Jenny Offill

That book was so dreadful to me. I just couldn't get into it. The character was boring and her family was far worse. I don't know how this book even got five stars. Whoever likes this book is really patient. That doesn't mean the author is bad, this is just not one of her best ones to me. Again, this is my opinion.

The Keeper of Lost Things- Ruth Hogan

This book was not a bad book, but I couldn't get into the characters and the setting kept throwing me off course. I didn't like the storyline of an old man finding lost things and spending his life trying to reunite them with people. The story seems bland and blah to me. Some people like this book maybe I may give it a chance because simple stories are good too, but this makes you go to sleep. I don't know, maybe in the future.

That's it for now. I hope my blog didn't bore you to death, I chilled out on Thanksgiving and I am still pushing my books. If you like to read, take a chance and read one of them. Also, have a safe week.

Until next time....


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